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EdTec and Young, Minney, & Corr, LLP (YM&C) are once again co-presenting to deliver the latest fiscal, operational, legal, and legislative updates, along with expert advice, to help you make critical management decisions that will set up your school for success.

During the Charter Leadership Forum, our experts will share strategic guidance in the following areas:

Making the Connection:
How Data Impacts Funding and Accountability

Data reporting is at the heart of funding and accountability determinations, making a smart data strategy a critical part of every charter school’s success. EdTec’s finance, data, and accountability experts will review the criteria that affect funding calculations and measures of school performance on the Dashboard. We’ll also identify pitfalls and provide guidance around areas you can improve through ongoing monitoring and thorough reporting to help set up your school for success.

Key Steps To Take Now to Ensure
Charter Renewal After Extension

YM&C’s experts will guide your preparation for the most important tasks to do in the coming years, as you look ahead to charter renewal.  We will discuss academic criteria for renewal, legal requirements for policies and website postings, authorizer relations, and best practices for clean operations.

Please Join Us


November 10, 2021


10:00 AM–12:00 PM




Janelle Ruley

Janelle Ruley, ESQ.
Partner, YM&C

Lee Rosenberg

Lee Rosenberg, ESQ.
Senior Counsel, YM&C

Attorney Lisa Corr
Bryce Fleming
VP of Client Management and School Finance, EdTec
Janelle Ruley

Chris Lim
VP of School Performance and Analytics, EdTec

Lee Rosenberg
Dr. Jennifer Reyes
Educational Support Services Manager, EdTec
Attorney Lisa Corr
Annice Weinstein
Senior Manager, Assessment Data and Analysis, EdTec

Champions of Outstanding Choices in Public Education for All Children