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Practice Areas

YM&C provides legal counsel for every aspect of education law, public agencies, and nonprofits.

Board Governance


YM&C attorneys have extensive knowledge of corporate structures and governance models for the operation of small charter schools, large charter networks, conversion charter schools and all charter school districts. We are experts in state and federal laws and regulations applicable to governing and operating California charter schools. YM&C provides both preventative counseling and litigation services relating to issues of board governance.  We regularly provide board trainings on board governance, conflict of interest laws applicable to board members and administrators, open meeting law compliance and regulations applicable to a board when setting compensation for administrators.



Preventative Advice

Our team can help you to avoid common pitfalls in governing charter schools and help you to set the stage for efficient and effective operations that support strong student achievement and growth in your funding and operations. These issues include:

  • Open meeting laws compliance
  • Conflict of interest law compliance
  • Setting executive compensation
  • Evaluating your Executive Director/Principal
  • Monitoring student test results and using this data to drive educational, fiscal, and human resource decisions
  • Board role in budget management
  • Meeting bidding requirements when applicable
  • Union negotiations
  • Creating your nonprofit and ongoing compliance with nonprofit laws
  • Running effective Board meetings and accomplishing board business efficiently
  • Creating policies uniquely tailored to your school’s educational program and culture that encompass:

– Fiscal management
– Student Handbooks
– Student Discipline
– Special Education
– Using data to improve academic progress

  • Board role in WASC accreditation
  • Board role in charter renewal process

Workshops and Seminars

YM&C attorneys regularly present at California Charter Schools Association, Charter Schools Development Center and A+ Conferences. Additionally, we present to charter school boards throughout the year on the following topics:

  • Brown Act compliance
  • Conflict of Interest law compliance
  • Public Records Act compliance
  • Seven Habits of Highly Effective Governing Boards
  • Strategic Planning
  • Governance
  • Charter Renewal
  • The Worst Board Meeting Ever

Champions of Outstanding Choices in Education