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Public Records Act (Board Member Series)

Public Records Act (Board Member Series)

Public Records Act There is a substantial increase in the number of Public Records Act requests being filed with charter schools. Charter school adversaries are using the PRA to expose weaknesses in compliance and operations and to gather text messages and emails that...
Threats, Opportunities & Legislative Tornados

Threats, Opportunities & Legislative Tornados

Just in the first few months of 2023, California legislators have introduced over 100 bills that if passed would affect charter schools in meaningful ways. This webinar will demystify the newly-proposed legislation and detail the challenges and opportunities charter...
The 411 on 504: A School’s Legal Responsibility

The 411 on 504: A School’s Legal Responsibility

Section 504 is about more than accommodations! Do you know how to provide FAPE under 504? Do you know when to refer a student for special education and when to offer a 504 plan? Learn how to respond to a student’s diagnosis or parent’s request for help,...
Form 700 Compliance (Board Member Series)

Form 700 Compliance (Board Member Series)

Form 700 Compliance Senate Bill 126 added Education Code Section 47604.1, which expressly requires charter schools to comply with the Political Reform Act (“Act”). Part of that Act includes the duty of public officials, such as charter school board members and most of...