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Legal Alerts

Our team of attorneys monitor the Legislature, court decisions, and administrative agencies (e.g. CDE, Board of Education, State Controller’s Office, PERB, etc.) and issue frequent Legal Alerts on matters of legal importance to our clients. This page is updated frequently, so please visit us often.

SB 153 – Independent Study Law Changes for 2024-25

SB 153 – Independent Study Law Changes for 2024-25

On June 29, 2024, the Governor signed Senate Bill 153 (“SB 153”), otherwise known as the Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill.  Among other important changes (which will be the subject of separate legal alerts and webinars), SB 153 makes significant amendments to the...

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The Time to Apply for Facilities Under Prop. 39 is Here!

The Time to Apply for Facilities Under Prop. 39 is Here!

Finding adequate facilities is one of the most challenging aspects of operating a charter school in California. Proposition 39 has been a successful tool for charter schools to secure public school facilities and/or begin a dialogue with the school district in which...

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You Won’t Think the Fine Fits the Crime!

You Won’t Think the Fine Fits the Crime!

Duties for Filing Officers and Officials - Form 700 Filing Due April 3, 2023The Form 700 Statement of Economic Interest (“Form 700”) filing deadline of April 1, 2023, has been extended to Monday, April 3, 2023, due to April 1 falling on a weekend this year. Your...

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