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Legal Alerts

Our team of attorneys monitor the Legislature, court decisions, and administrative agencies (e.g. CDE, Board of Education, State Controller’s Office, PERB, etc.) and issue frequent Legal Alerts on matters of legal importance to our clients. This page is updated frequently, so please visit us often.

The Time to Apply for Facilities Under Prop. 39 is Here!

The Time to Apply for Facilities Under Prop. 39 is Here!

Finding adequate facilities is one of the most challenging aspects of operating a charter school in California. Proposition 39 has been a successful tool for charter schools in securing public school facilities and/or beginning a dialogue with the school district in which they negotiate in-lieu of arrangements…

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New COVID-19 Reporting Requirements

New COVID-19 Reporting Requirements

On September 17, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom approved Assembly Bill (“AB”) 685 which imposes new reporting obligations on employers related to COVID-19.  School administrators have had many questions regarding their legal obligations in response to COVID-19 cases connected to their school sites.  AB 685 addresses those questions…

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Los Angeles County Board Of Supervisors’ Notification To Los Angeles County Charter Schools Regarding Deadline For Conflict Of Interest Code Adoption And Submittal

Following the recent opinion by the Fair Political Practices Commission (A-19-239), the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is notifying Los Angeles County charter schools of their obligation to adopt a conflict of interest code in compliance with the Political Reform Act of 1974 (Govt. Code § 81000, et. seq.) and requiring that…

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Critical 2020-2021 Student Services Homework Assignment!

Maintaining an up to date legally compliant and comprehensive Student & Family Handbook is a critical tool to minimize liability and unnecessary disruption but moreover to ensure parents and students are connected to your School and up to date on all School policies, rules, and applicable…

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