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Our team of attorneys monitor the Legislature, court decisions, and administrative agencies (e.g. CDE, Board of Education, State Controller’s Office, PERB, etc.) and issue frequent Legal Alerts on matters of legal importance to our clients. This page is updated frequently, so please visit us often.

February 15 Deadline for Real Property Tax Exemptions

Did you know that your charter school facility likely is exempted from property taxes? Under a typical private lease agreement, a charter school is required to pay for its share of the real property taxes on the facilities. However, as public schools, charter schools qualify for an exemption from the largest portion of…

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California Attorney General Declares Charter Schools Subject to Multiple Transparency Laws

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra published a long-awaited opinion on December 26, 2018, declaring California charter schools are subject to the Public Records Act, Brown Act, Government Code Section 1090, and the Political Reform Act. The opinion also states that books and records of California charter schools authorized by a school district or county board of education are subject to review and inspection by a grand jury.

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The Time to Apply for Facilities Under Prop. 39 is Here!

Finding adequate facilities is one of the most challenging aspects of operating a charter school in California. Proposition 39 has been a successful tool for charter schools in securing public school facilities and/or beginning a dialogue with the school district in...

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