Charter Schools: Public Law


Forward-Thinking Legal Guidance: Public Law

The attorneys at YM&C offer targeted guidance and training to charter schools concerning adherence to laws that pertain to public agencies, including the Brown Act, the Political Reform Act, conflict of interest laws, and the Public Records Act. These statutes serve to guarantee public entry to charter school board gatherings, mitigate conflicts of interest among public officials in the course of charter school functions, and facilitate public access to most electronic and physical records maintained by the charter school.  YM&C attorneys are vigilant in offering guidance to guarantee compliance with statutes, as non-compliance could result in criminal penalties and fines. While these laws pertain to public agencies and not private corporations, even board members with substantial experience on both for-profit and nonprofit boards find value in receiving advice on meeting these mandates.

Public Law


  • Brown Act
  • Political Reform Act
  • Annual Form 700 compliance
  • Govt. Code 1090
  • Common law conflicts of interest
  • Penal Code sections
  • Corporation code anti-self-dealing provisions
  • Conflict code and policy development
  • Public Records Act compliance
  • FERPA and state law compliance
  • Comprehensive training on public transparency laws
  • Fair Political Practices Division defense
  • Attorney General defense

Public Law Team Leaders

Meet the attorneys and team leaders who specialize in this practice area.