- June 08, 2021
- Legal Alerts
- 5 Minute Read
In correspondence with public agency representatives, Governor Gavin Newsom’s Cabinet Secretary Ana Matosantos announced Executive Order N-29-20 that suspends certain Brown Act requirements for conducting a teleconference meeting will not terminate on June 15, 2021, when California “re-opens.”
Ms. Matosantos announced that the Governor does intend to terminate COVID-19 executive orders “at the earliest possible date at which conditions warrant,” but that he also recognizes “the importance of an orderly return to the ordinary conduct of public meetings.” Therefore, the Governor’s office will provide notice to public agencies and boards in advance of the rescission of N-29-20 to provide time to meet logistical requirements of the change.
Young, Minney & Corr LLP will keep your Board up to date on any announcements from the Governor’s office regarding a change in executive orders that affect charter schools.
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