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Young, Minney & Corr, LLP is dedicated to our clients’ success — which includes providing you with valuable resources above and beyond our direct legal representation and technical assistance. We hope that the following documents, templates, and links will be of use to you. Use the buttons below to quickly jump to the resource section you’re searching for.


Independent Study Legal Requirements – Updated for AB 130

This document is a compendium of the California independent study laws applicable to charter schools.  It has been updated to reflect AB 130Download »


Beware Misleading Corporate Solicitations

An example of a misleading corporate compliance notice. Download »


IRS Charter School Reference Guide

The Director of the IRS division handling Exempt Organizations Rulings and Agreements has issued guidelines to assist IRS Exempt Organizations specialists on how to process requests for tax exemption of charter schools. Download »


IRS Charter School Guide Sheet

Designed to assist the IRS Exempt Organizations specialists in the process of Form 1023 applications files by charter schools that are seeking exemption under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Download »

SBE Members and Bios

The State Board of Education (“SBE”) is the governing and policy-making body of the California Department of Education. It has eleven members, including one student member, and sets K-12 education policy in the areas of standards, instructional materials, assessment, and accountability, and can grant waivers from certain educational laws and regulations. The SBE has numerous responsibilities relating to charter schools, including but not limited to:

  1. Selective granting of charter petitions that have been denied or not renewed by local education agencies, but that the State Board determines to have met statutory requirements;
  2. Taking appropriate action, including, but not limited to, revocation with respect to State Board-granted and locally-granted charters under specific circumstances set forth in statute;
  3. Establishing appropriate funding levels for non-classroom-based charter schools;
  4. Jointly with the State Superintendent, approving district-wide charter petitions when those petitions are determined to be satisfactory;
  5. Developing and adopting regulations to implement various provisions of the Charter Schools Act of 1992 (Part 26.8 of the Education Code, commencing with Section 47600);
  6. Approving or denying requests to waive otherwise applicable provisions of law;
  7. Assigning numbers to charter school petitions to ensure that the statutory cap on the number of charter schools is not exceeded; and
  8. Following the passage of AB 2030, overturning charter revocations if the SBE determines that the revocation was not based on substantial evidence.

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ACCS Members and Bios

The Advisory Commission on Charter Schools (“ACCS”) was established by the SBE in April of 2002 and is composed of nine members with extensive experience in the field of education. The ACCS advises the SBE on all aspects of the SBE’s duties under the Charter Schools Act of 1992. The ACCS helps with:

  1. Selective granting of charters;
  2. Taking appropriate action, including, but not limited to, revocation of charters;
  3. Establishing appropriate funding levels for non-classroom based charter schools and passing the recommendations on to the SBE for final approval.
  4. Evaluating the charter schools appealing to the SBE for approval (the ACCS then makes a recommendation to the SBE to approve or deny the petition;
  5. Developing charter school-specific regulations for approval by the SBE.

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State Board of Education Approved Charter Schools Oversight Documents

Charter schools approved by the State Board of Education will be required to operate under the conditions set forth in these documents:

Duties of Charter School and Oversight Agent Download »
SBE Expectations for Oversight and Supervision Download »

Note: Some of the documents we’re providing are in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. This format allows for the retention of all formatting and creates documents that are much smaller than the original Word processing files. To be read, PDF files require the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not already have this application, you can download it for free from Adobe. If you would prefer to receive any documents in Microsoft Word, please contact Melanie McAlpine at 916.646.1400.

Champions of Outstanding Choices in Education