Who Should Attend
- Administrators
- Authorizers
- Board Members
SB 153, also known as the “Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill,” introduces significant revisions to the Education Code impacting charter schools. Key areas affected include independent study, policy posting requirements, textbook and instructional material adoption, safety plans, learning recovery emergency funds, credentialing requirements, contractor fingerprinting, attendance recovery programs, extended learning opportunity programs, contingency plans for school closures due to health emergencies and natural disasters, LCAP, technical assistance for charter schools, certificates of proficiency, McKinney-Vento Act technical assistance, meal programs, behavioral health, alternative diplomas for students with moderate to severe disabilities, federal student aid assistance, and annual parent notifications.
Join YMC for an informative webinar as we discuss these statutory revisions, explore their implications for charter schools, and provide practical advice on incorporating these changes into your operations effectively.