
2024 Title IX Regulations Are Done

On January 9, 2025, a federal district court in Kentucky ruled that the 2024 Title IX Final Rule and Regulations were unconstitutional and exceeded the U.S. Department of Education’s authority under Title IX. The Court vacated the 2024 Title IX Final Rule and Regulations in their entirety. The 2024 Title IX Regulations are now “off the books.” This means that the U.S. Department of Education is precluded from enforcing them at any educational institution in the nation, and schools should revert to the “status quo” that existed prior to the effective date of the 2024 Title IX Regulations (i.e., the 2020 Title IX Regulations). YM&C will continue to track Title IX developments and provide you with updates.

Please contact our attorneys for expert guidance regarding Title IX compliance, necessary policy and training updates, what this ruling means for your school, and any ongoing and/or recent Title IX investigations at your school.

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A person with long blonde hair, wearing a black blazer and white shirt, smiles confidently in front of a dark blue background, embodying success in navigating wage claims.
Sarah Cassady, Esq.
A woman in a gray blazer and white shirt is smiling against a dark, textured background, embodying the empowering spirit of Title IX that transforms school sports for women nationwide.
Casey Fee, Esq.
Senior Counsel

Young, Minney & Corr, LLP’s Legal Alerts provide general information about events of current legal importance; they do not constitute legal advice. As the information contained here is necessarily general, its application to a particular set of facts and circumstances may vary. We do not recommend that you act on this information without consulting legal counsel.