A diverse array of hands, symbolizing ACCS Members united in teamwork, is bathed in sunlight streaming through—a perfect image resonating with the values of collaboration and success.

ACCS Members and Bios

The Advisory Commission on Charter Schools (“ACCS”) was established by the SBE in April of 2002 and is composed of nine members with extensive experience in the field of education. The ACCS advises the SBE on all aspects of the SBE’s duties under the Charter Schools Act of 1992. The ACCS helps with:

  1. Selective granting of charters;
  2. Taking appropriate action, including, but not limited to, revocation of charters;
  3. Establishing appropriate funding levels for non-classroom based charter schools and passing the recommendations on to the SBE for final approval.
  4. Evaluating the charter schools appealing to the SBE for approval (the ACCS then makes a recommendation to the SBE to approve or deny the petition;
  5. Developing charter school-specific regulations for approval by the SBE.