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Please join us for a webinar outlining the changes required by the newly adopted Assembly Bill 181 (AB 181), the Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill for 2022. Amongst these changes, AB 181 updates independent study law, prompting changes to the independent study policy, written agreements, and collection of independent study attendance. AB 181 also provides a further hold harmless to classroom-based charter schools to maintain stability in LCFF funding in the 2021-22 school year. It also introduces and expands upon funding programs to eligible charter schools, including, for example:

  • Educator Effectiveness Block Grant;
  • Expanded Learning Opportunities Program;
  • Funding for kitchen upgrades and zero-emission school busses;
  • College and Career Access Pathways competitive grant program; and
  • Golden State Pathways Program to promote workforce pathways in high-wage, high-skill, high-growth areas.

 This webinar will detail the legal, financial, and practical impact of AB 181 on charter schools.


Attorney Lisa Corr

Lisa A. Corr, ESQ.

Janelle Ruley

Janelle A. Ruley, ESQ.

Lee Rosenberg

Lee J. Rosenberg, ESQ.
Senior Counsel

Champions of Outstanding Choices in Education