Please join us for a crucial webinar addressing two hot-off-the-presses legislative changes that are both implemented immediately. This webinar will detail the legal and practical impact of SB 130 and AB 104 on charter schools. Along the way, we will consider a good news-bad news approach from Legislature and the Governor, and the provisions that will have the most challenging impact on charter schools, particularly nonclassroom-based charter schools, and consider solutions for implementation at the practical level.
SB 130
SB 130 (the education trailer bill) is likely to be approved by the legislature on Thursday and the Governor is anticipated to sign shortly thereafter. SB 130 contains provisions that: (1) will extend the term of charters expiring on or between January 1, 2022, and June 30, 2025, by two years. It also (2) extends the moratorium on the approval of a new nonclassroom-based charter school by three years, to January 1, 2025. Most critically, this bill (3) greatly changes the requirements for the provision of independent study, including but not limited to mandated updates to independent study board policies and independent study agreements, requiring procedures for tiered re-engagement in response to student absenteeism, adding documentation requirements, and requiring a mandated level of live interaction and synchronous instruction per grade level. Finally, it (4) contains requirements for addressing future emergency school closures.
AB 104
AB 104 was signed into law by the Governor on June 21, 2021, and requires the adoption of a policy regarding student retention for students who in the 2020-21 academic year received deficient grades (to include a mandatory consultation meeting with parents/guardians). For students enrolled in high school in 2020-21, it allows parents to request grade changes for the 2020-21 school year to Pass or No Pass on their transcript and requires website posting and notice about the right to request a grade change. AB 104 also requires charter schools to exempt students who in 2020-21 were in their 3rd or 4th year of high school who are not on track to graduate within four years from coursework or other requirements adopted by the charter school that goes beyond the state minimum graduation requirements; and separately to provide students the opportunity to complete the minimum graduation requirements, which may include a 5th year of instruction.
We look forward to discussing the new legal requirements and how they will impact all charter schools.
July 12, 2021