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Update On Student Immunization Laws

Update On Student Immunization Laws

California requires all children to be vaccinated against certain communicable diseases as a condition for school attendance. In this webinar attendees will learn about the requirements regarding: Collection of Student Immunization Records Unconditional and...
What You Need to Know & What You Can Do About It

What You Need to Know & What You Can Do About It

Lobbying and Political Activity – What Can Be Done Regarding AB 1316 and Other Threats Assembly Bill 1316 is a bill currently pending in the Legislature that will have a dramatic and profound negative impact upon all charter schools in California — including:...
Student Services Board Policies ASAP

Student Services Board Policies ASAP

What we will cover to get your policies done: A – Are we going to use these? Why having policies is important. S – Student services policies. What is required and what is recommended. A – Are you aware of what you have? Tips on doing an internal inventory. P –...
Annual Brown Act & Conflicts of Interest

Annual Brown Act & Conflicts of Interest

Topics covered include: Extensive Brown Act training (complies with chartering authority’s requirement for annual training); Understanding changes in the law with SB 126 and the Governor’s Executive Orders on public meetings; Strategies on returning to in-person Board...
What Will Your Auditor Do?

What Will Your Auditor Do?

When it is time for your annual independent audit of the 2020-21 school year, will you be prepared?  In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the legislature adopted SB 98 in June of 2020. SB 98 radically changed the conditions of apportionment of school funding for all...
Open! Open! Open!

Open! Open! Open!

This webinar will teach attendees everything they need to know to meet the new California school reopening law and qualify for additional state funding designed to incentivize schools to reopen. We will cover identifying milestones for reopening, necessary protocols,...