Charter Schools: Labor & Employment


Forward-Thinking Legal Guidance: Labor & Employment

The YM&C Labor and Employment unit is recognized for its extensive expertise in advocating for schools, ensuring compliance with both state and federal legal requirements. They are committed to providing strong legal counsel, proactive recommendations, and hands-on training to assist clients in effectively navigating their daily human resources challenges and addressing complex areas of potential liability. With a proven track record, they have consistently protected schools’ rights across a wide range of issues faced by educational employers in the fields of employment and labor law, appearing before administrative bodies and courts at both state and federal levels.

Labor & Employment Law


  • Employment Contracts
  • PAGA audits and assessments
  • Employee Handbooks and Board Policies
  • Hiring Issues
  • Executive Compensation
  • Performance Management/Evaluations
  • Investigations
  • Employee Discipline Proceedings
  • Layoffs
  • Severance Agreements
  • Employee Leaves of Absence
  • Unlawful/Sexual Harassment Prevention
  • Professional Boundaries
  • Wage and Overtime Issues
  • Workplace Discrimination
  • Disability and Religious Accommodations
  • Workers' Compensation
  • Whistleblower Retaliation
  • Wage and Hour Compliance
  • Union Organizing
  • Collective Bargaining/Negotiations
  • Impasse Proceedings
  • Unfair Practice Charges
  • Grievances and Arbitration
  • Independent Contractors
  • Employee Retirement and Health Benefits
  • Compliance Audits
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Management and Board Training

Labor & Employment Law Team Leaders

Meet the attorneys and team leaders who specialize in this practice area.