Teenagers at school on cell phones texting each other.

Managing Student Speech in Public Schools

August 11, 2023

Who Should Attend

  • Administrators
  • Board Members

In today’s world of ubiquitous real-time communication by and amongst students, it is critical for public school administrators to understand where protected speech strays too far and becomes punishable speech. This workshop will lay out the basic parameters for student speech in public schools and specifically address when harmful speech occurs outside the literal “schoolhouse gate” and what are the school’s rights and obligations to address such speech.

Presented By

A man in a purple checkered suit jacket and white shirt smiles at the camera, exuding the confidence of someone who could easily supercharge any Education Law 101 class, all set against a blurred dark background.
James Young, ESQ.
See Bio
Cassandra Bridge, Esq.
Cassandra Bridge, ESQ.