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Legal Alerts

Our team of attorneys monitor the Legislature, court decisions, and administrative agencies (e.g. CDE, Board of Education, State Controller’s Office, PERB, etc.) and issue frequent Legal Alerts on matters of legal importance to our clients. This page is updated frequently, so please visit us often.

Managing Impacts of New Employment Laws for Charter Schools in 2020

Effective January 1, 2020, AB 5 sets forth a strict statutory presumption which mandates charter schools to classify service providers, vendors, and/or contractors as employees unless a three-part test can be passed. Misclassification of employees as independent contractors can result in serious negative consequences, including wage…

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COVID-19 UPDATE #1 Ensuring California’s Charter Schools Respond Effectively to the Threat & Impacts of Coronavirus (COVID-19): Understanding Legal Considerations and Taking Proactive Measures

To assist charter schools in initially assessing the multitude of impacts on public schools resulting from the COVID-19 virus, YM&C has developed the following non-exhaustive initial general guidance. Such guidance does not constitute legal advice but is solely intended to assist charter schools in developing and executing comprehensive…

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Charter School Successes to Ring in the New Year!

Happy New Year! Young, Minney & Corr, LLP wishes to kick off 2020 with a celebration of some of the successes of California charter schools in the fall of 2019 as a reminder of the positive advances happening in the charter school movement. Young, Minney & Corr, LLP was thrilled and proud to …

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SB 223 Parent Administration of Medicinal Cannabis on School Campus

On October 9, 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law SB 223, known as “Jojo’s Act”, which adds Section 49414.1 to the Education Code permitting charter schools to adopt a board-approved policy allowing a parent or guardian to administer medicinal cannabis to a qualified student on…

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The Time to Apply for Facilities Under Prop. 39 is Here!

Finding adequate facilities is one of the most challenging aspects of operating a charter school in California. Proposition 39 has been a successful tool for charter schools to secure public school facilities and/or begin a dialogue with the school district for a possible…

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