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Navigating the Charter School Facilities Landscape

Navigating the Charter School Facilities Landscape

Finding a facility for your school is critical to the success of your school but can be very challenging. Understanding all of the requirements (zoning, building codes, etc.) that you must meet in order to lease or purchase a facility, make improvements to it, and...
To Williams, or Not To Williams, That Is the Question…

To Williams, or Not To Williams, That Is the Question…

Please join us for a webinar to review AB 599 (2021) and its amendments to Education Code Section 1240! Although effective January 1, 2022, the legislation has recently begun to impact charter schools identified for additional monitoring. We will review the criteria...
Legal Impact: 2022 Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill

Legal Impact: 2022 Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill

Please join us for a webinar outlining the changes required by the newly adopted Assembly Bill 181 (AB 181), the Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill for 2022. Amongst these changes, AB 181 updates independent study law, prompting changes to the independent study...
How to Start a Charter School

How to Start a Charter School

Join YM&C experts as we help you to navigate toward approval of a new charter petition.  Whether you are seeking to open a brand-new school or replicate or expand an existing program, we will provide the information you need for a successful charter approval...